• Book direct and save! Book now !

    Book direct and save! Book now !

    To book direct with us and save up to 20% compare to other hosting platform use the widget below.

    If you have specific request or need assistance booking do not hesitate to contact us directly:

    You can also read some article from our blog to have more information regarding Comayagua and around.

    Phone+507 6811 1788
    Mobile+507 6811 1788

    If you prefer to book using platform like AirBnb or other please click the icon below. Each platform have they own process for booking. Let us now if you need help to book using those providers.

    To book direct with us and save up to 20% or book using Airbnb for your trip in Comayagua
    To book direct with us and save up to 20% or book using Vrbo for your trip in Comayagua
    To book direct with us and save up to 20% or book using Expedia for your trip in Comayagua
    To book direct with us and save up to 20% or book using booking.com for your trip in Comayagua